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We are excited to announce that the next ESH annual meeting in Berlin will be a sustainable event!

The ESH pursues a sustainability policy through targeted actions, and the Organising Secretariat has worked hard to implement eco-friendly practices aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the congress.

Here are some of the practices we have adopted to support the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals:


Zero Hunger – We support the XXX project promoted by XX, a non-profit organization that collects fresh left-over/exceeding food to be delivered to the needy.


Good Health and Well-Being – We provide delegates with healthy food.  Our meals will be rich in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products useful in helping reduce risk of obesity, heart disease, stroke and other health-related diseases.


Quality Education – We encourage participation in the scientific activities from all over the world and at all ages, giving reduced fees to those coming from low and middle economy countries and young doctors.


Affordable and Clean Energy – The congress venue, Estrel Berlin, actively contributes to reducing energy consumption through various measures. For example, the air conditioning system is designed to maintain a minimum summer temperature of 26°, while the lighting, with new-generation LED lamps with DALI technology, allows the reduction of up to 60% of energy consumption and extends the lifespan of the equipment in use.


Industry, Innovation and Infrastructures – Thanks to our trusted and experienced technical supplier, we ensure easy access and utilization of the most innovative technological tools offered by the congress to all parties involved.


Sustainable Cities and Communities holding the congress in a very easily accessible venue, we strongly encourage delegates to use public transportation. Moreover, Allianz MiCo deals with the care and maintenance of green areas for public use, regulated by an agreement with the Municipality of Milan. In favour of non-polluting mobility, Allianz MiCo built a charging station for free-use electric cars.


Responsible Consumption and Production – we replaced the traditional printed programme with its digital version, making it available online on the congress website, platform and APP; we introduced the E-posters sessions with totems instead of the classic paper once; we avoid the realization of the congress bag and its content, like the block notes and the pen, which are not so used anymore and generate a huge amount of waste.


We believe that these efforts will not only reduce the environmental impact of the congress,
but also inspire attendees to adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives.
We look forward to seeing you in Milan and thank you for joining us in our commitment to sustainability.

As official Organising and Scientific Scretariat, AIM Group is committed to ensuring that the events it organises have an increasingly positive social, economic, environmental and occupational health and safety impact.

Click here to check our Declaration of Intent and Values and SDG Policy.