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Speaker Guidelines

How to submit presentation at the congress

Please submit all digital files needed for your presentation in the Speaker Preview Room / Slide Center located in Room 4, on Level 1.
Technical specialists will assist you in uploading your presentation to ensure everything is ready before each session. When it is time for your presentation, the file will be loaded in the meeting room.
Please visit the Speaker Preview Room/Slide Center at least 2 hours before the beginning of your session.

If your presentation is scheduled as the first one in the morning session, please visit the Speaker Preview Room the day before.

Opening hours

Friday, May 31    – 11.30 – 19.30
Saturday, June 1 – 07.00 – 19.00
Sunday, June 2   – 07.00 – 19.00
Monday, June 3  – 07.30 – 12.30

To avoid any problems with your presentation, please ensure it meets the necessary requirements and carefully read the instructions below.

How to prepare presentation 

PowerPoint instructions

Use the Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or higher (*.ppt) or (*pptx) to guarantee they will work properly on an on-site PC.
Prepare presentation in 16:9 format. We recommend you to save your PowerPoint presentation using PPTX format instead of PPT or PPS.
If you have pictures or videos in the presentation, please insert them in the presentation file, do not use links.
Please keep on mind that organizer cannot guarantee the quality of Macintosh-based presentations; so check in advance (3 hours before your session starts) their Windows compatibility.
Note that the presentation system used during the congress also supports the PDF presentations.


Only fonts included in the basic installation of MS-Windows are available (English version of Windows). The use of other fonts not included in Windows may lead to incorrect layout / style of the presentation. Recommended fonts include Arial, Times New Roman, Tahoma, and Calibri. If you prefer to use different fonts, they must be embedded into the presentation by selecting the appropriate option when saving the presentation, see details below:
 Click on “File”, then “Save As”
 Check the “Tools” menu and select “Embed True Type Fonts.”

How to save and submit presentation

Save your presentation in one of the following storage devices:
 USB flash drive
 External hard or solid-state drive
Save all files associated with the presentation (PowerPoint file, movie / video files, etc.) in a single folder / location. If you are delivering multiple presentations during the congress, save each presentation in separate folders and name them clearly to prevent on-site misunderstandings and issues. Additionally, always create a backup copy of your presentation and store it on a different portable storage device or medium than the original presentation. Please note that DVD-RAM and Blu-ray Disc will not be available.

Other information

If you are using a Macintosh, we kindly request that you visit the Speaker Preview Room 3 hours before your scheduled presentation.


To prevent any delays in the scientific program, we kindly ask speakers to strictly respect their presentation times. A timer will be provided in the meeting room to assist with this.

Standard equipment of the session rooms

  • Video projector and screen
  • Laptop
  • Sound system and microphones
  • Remote control with laser pointer