Before preparing and typing your abstract, please carefully read the following instructions:
- Abstracts can only be submitted via the online Abstract Submission Service. Abstracts sent by email will not be accepted
- Abstracts must be in English
- The deadline for abstract submission is midnight Central European Time on January 10, 2025 (new deadline!). Abstracts submitted after this date will not be accepted
- The complete abstract must not exceed 180 characters for the TITLE and 340 words / 2800 characters for the BODY
- Type the text, including tables and figures, in single-line spacing and using Times New Roman 11. Do not use smaller type.
- TITLE: capitalize the entire title. Spell out words. Do not use abbreviations and verify that your title is complete in case you copy and paste it into the field
- AUTHORS/AFFILIATIONS: you may enter up to 20 authors in the authors list and 10 affiliations. The presenter must be part of the authors’ list included in the submitted abstract. The names of authors will be published as listed on the submission form. Please ensure you have entered the full list of authors. The authors’ order and details (names, cities, country codes) will be published as entered in the form
- TEXT: begin the text on a new line. The text should be arranged using the following headings: objective, design and method, results and conclusions
- Do not include authors, institutions, city names or abbreviations in the title or in the text since the grading and selection process is blinded
- Do not include grant acknowledgements in the abstract content. Do not cite keywords or references in the abstract, as they are not allowed and will be deleted
- Abstract will be accepted based on scientific merit
- ESH 2025 allows the submission of abstracts for original contributions to the field only.
The final selection of abstracts will be made by the Scientific Committee by end of February 2025. All corresponding authors of abstracts will be then notified about the outcome (accepted or not accepted) of the review process. Please ensure that the email provided during the abstract submission is accurate as all correspondences will be sent via email.
- Registration is mandatory to present an abstract during the Meeting. Failure to register will lead to the withdrawal of the abstract from the Meeting Programme and Publication from the Abstract Book.
- Each presenting Author is allowed to present up to 2 abstracts with a single paid registration
- Presenting Authors of accepted abstracts are entitled to a special registration fee
- If the presenting Author has been awarded a grant, paid registration is not required
For any further information, please contact:
In consideration of WKH’s publication of the Abstracts in the Journal of Hypertension, WKH shall have the right to publish, reproduce and sell the abstracts worldwide, in all languages, and in all forms of media now or hereafter known, including electronic media such as CD-ROM, Internet, and Intranet. AIM ITALY Srl grants WKH the right to use the biographical data from the abstracts in WKH’s or the Journal of Hypertension’s promotion.